Skill test participation
This year, the laboratory has already started participating in the proficiency test organized by the accredited proficiency test organizer CCB (Poland).
Skills in frost resistance testing of mineral materials will be tested, according to EN 1367-1
The results of this event are expected at the end of April
Skill test PTS-23/01
The regular proficiency tests organized by PTS Bulgaria have recently ended. This time, the density and compressive strength of hardened concrete.
These characteristics are the most frequently determined in the MPA TEST laboratory's routine testing, so participation was taken in these proficiency tests.
Total number of participants 47.
MPa TEST laboratory deviated from the assigned value by 0.2 MPa, which is only 0.6%.
In comparison, for example, participants 20 and 24 deviated from the assigned value by 9.6%
We are very pleased to find that our processes and resources are working flawlessly!
Thank you PTS Bulgaria for a professional performance!
In the spring of 2023, the MPA TEST laboratory participated in the international proficiency tests organized by PT Bulgaria, an accredited test organizer.
In this PT scheme, several aggregate testing methods were compared.
The main attention was devoted to the determination of the granulometric composition, which is one of the methods accredited by the MPA TEST laboratory.
Among the 43 participants (laboratories), MPA TEST showed excellent performance. In the graph, the red curves are the critical limits. The green curve is obtained by MPa TEST.
Skill test PTS-22/08
In August 2023, the skills test NR organized by PTS Bulgaria ended. PTS-22/02 in testing the properties of coarse aggregates.
For the first time, MPA TEST participated in such high-level comparative testing. Participated with two new methods:
1 - Crushing strength by the Los Angeles method,
2 - Particle density.
Demonstrated high performance!
Skill test PTS-22/02